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The Low Carb Hustle

Apr 27, 2017

The ABS.....our most sought after target area when it comes to health, fitness, and body transformation. We all know that if we can tighten up that mid section it is a sign that we are healthy, fit, and looking great! The problem that people run into is that there is SO MUCH information out there on all the...

Apr 20, 2017

I've got another special one for you this week! I had the pleasure of doing an interview session with Ruth LaRose from Eau Claire, Wisconsin. We talked in detail about how she has been able to lose over 155lbs over the last five years. Here are some of the topics we covered: Ruth's nutrition and fitness regimen basics...

Apr 13, 2017

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram you will know that lately I've been talking a lot about using a variety of strategies depending on what your goals are. So this week I want to cover some of my thoughts on how you need to shift your strategies when you are transitioning from a weight loss focused goal to a lean...

Apr 6, 2017

We've all had those "life happens" moments when things just seem to go really wrong really quickly. For many people these situations can be a trigger that leads to falling out of line with their nutrition and/or fitness regimen for weeks at a time. This week I want to bring you a simple strategy that I use to make...