Oct 29, 2018
As the years go by it is very easy for anyone to get in their head about that number and what that represents.
I hear things all the time like:
I'm too old to do that!
People my age don't do that!
My best years are behind me!
Today I'm bringing in my friend Maarten Van Nus to provide a change in perspective!
In 2010...
Oct 22, 2018
Time is our most valuable resource and it's also at the root of the most commonly used excuses that I hear people make about why they aren't able to be healthy.
I hear things like:
Adam, right now just isn't the right time for me to focus on my health.
Adam, I just don't have enough time to invest in myself right now...
Oct 15, 2018
We all know it is important to exercise so we can build lean muscle tissue and reach our body transformation goals but today we are going to talk about building a different kind of muscle.
I'm bringing my friend Sandra Younger in to teach us about building our resilience muscle so that we can better handle the tough...
Oct 8, 2018
I know that you are probably thinking that this is a pretty strange thing for a fitness professional to say right?
Well let me one up my position and add that you don't need a new exercise regimen either!
I see so many people waste time, money, and effort as they bounce from one program to the next without ever...
Oct 1, 2018
I'm sure you've heard the saying: You just need to take it one day at a time. It's pretty solid advice! Now the key question we have to ask ourselves is do we actually implement this strategy as we set out towards our goals.
I think that many times we set a big goal or we face a challenging life circumstance and we get...