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The Low Carb Hustle

Feb 28, 2020

This is a special episode of The Million Pound Mission Podcast where you get to listen in as I do a 15 minute coaching session with one of my clients.
Check out all of the options that are available to you so you can plug into my coaching community:

Feb 24, 2020

I know that you are willing to put in the work.......we all are most of the time. It's just that we get frustrated when we feel like we are trying SO hard to make positive changes and it feels like we aren't getting the kind of traction that we expected.

The concept of the Transformation Timeline will be a GAME CHANGER...

Feb 21, 2020

This is a special episode of The Million Pound Mission Podcast where you get to listen in as I do a 15 minute coaching session with one of my clients.
Check out all of the options that are available to you so you can plug into my coaching community:

Feb 17, 2020

Have you ever felt like getting healthy would be so much easier if it wasn't so EXPENSIVE???

I think we've all been there and today I'm bringing in a frugality phenom to help us all improve our health without breaking the bank.

Jonathan Mendonsa is the co-host of the ChooseFI podcast where they teach the masses how to...

Feb 14, 2020

This is a special episode of The Million Pound Mission Podcast where you get to listen in as I do a 15 minute coaching session with one of my clients.
Check out all of the options that are available to you so you can plug into my coaching community: