Oct 27, 2016
A slight change in the way you view your transformation process can make a huge difference. Many people give up on their diet or exercise routine and say "I can't maintain this!"...but what they don't understand is that "this" is just one phase in the process. In this episode Adam discusses the three phase process that...
Oct 21, 2016
Have you ever felt like you have some great momentum going with your health and fitness and then...BOOM....some sort of a transition period hits and you lose it? Transition periods are like transformation land mines. Things like vacations, business trips, the kids starting/ending school, and moving can cause a...
Oct 14, 2016
Success leaves clues! Jenn Jourdan has had an amazing 70lb transformation and in this episode she shares some tips and tactics that have helped her accomplish her goals including: *What motivated her to get started and what is motivating her now? *What she would tell someone that is just getting started? *How her...
Oct 7, 2016
If you are someone who is on a weight loss journey it is very likely that you have an intense relationship with the scale. People live and die by that number and that isn't a good thing. In this episode Adam talks about four strategies that you need to implement to change your mindset and relationship with the scale....